Life can be fast-paced and over-stimulating. Daily pressures have made us prone to anxiety, harmful stress, and a loss of control of our own lives.

We want you to really meet YoMIND.

Become aware of your breath and experiences in the present moment. 
Observe your habitual emotional reactions and behaviors. 
Choose to act with responsibility, flexibility, and compassion. 


Our breath is always with us.

It is tangible, understandable, and controllable.

The breath forms an immediate connection between the mind and the body and is our best tool for turning knee-jerk reactions into thoughtful responses.

Learn simple techniques for harnessing your breath and your mind HERE, or explore the anatomy and neurology of breathing HERE.


Perception is at the heart of our day-to-day experiences.

It dictates how we view ourselves and how we relate to the world around us. It guides how we think, how we feel, and how we act. 

By changing our perception we literally transform our experience of reality. 

Lean more about the psychology and neuroscience of perception HERE.


Transform reaction into response.

Our experiences are often followed by immediate and unconscious reactions. But we don’t have to be victims of our habits.

The more we become aware of ourselves in the present moment, the greater the possibility for responding to situations thoughtfully and intentionally.

Explore ways to cultivate skillful responses HERE.

Inspired to Get Involved? Here's how:

1. Watch the videos with your students, co-workers and friends.

2. Share the videos on social media. 

3.  Bring JusTme to your school for a live performance or a virtual "Classroom Kick it".

4. Contact Libby about an Optimize YoMIND workshop or demo class for your students/staff.

4. Follow YoMIND:  FacebookInstagram |  Twitter  

5. If you are a teacher, play the videos in your classroom.

6. Make a tax deductible donation through the Ashland Schools Foundation to help us to create more resources!  Be sure to write "YoMIND Video Production" in the comments.

6. Email Us about more ways to collaborate!  

7. Most importantly, remember kindness is a superpower, choose love always, and take care of yo'mind!