We don’t endure yoga postures.
We explore them.
YoMIND yoga emphasizes steady movement and pointed attention. Moving in a state of calm alertness, athletes are better able to discover areas of tension or instability and work with them.
We offer sport-specific yoga sequences to keep athletes’ bodies balanced and breathing techniques to keep their minds calm yet sharp so our teams are always ready to perform at their highest level.
Having a regular yoga practice has been shown to produce significant performance gains for athletes of all calibers, from the Super Bowl Champion Seattle Seahawks to perennial all-star Lebron James. Yoga not only strengthens and lengthens muscles to improve functional flexibility, but also improves awareness of one’s position in space, corrects postural imbalances, and has proven instrumental to injury prevention and rehabilitation.
Check out these pre and post season interviews of Billy Hansen (Ashland High School Class of 2012, Regis University Class of 2016) talking about the benefits of YoMIND and how practicing yoga and mindfulness contributed to his success on and off the court his senior year.