Why become a YoMIND school?
The goal of YoMIND is to create peaceful, learning-ready, productive classroom environments through the systematic use of preventive mind-body tools grounded in yoga and mindfulness practices. The YoMIND program combines yoga and mindfulness to develop physical, social, emotional, and attentional self-regulating skills that develop well-being, resilience and lifelong learning.
YoMIND is an easy-to-use, cost-effective, and sustainable solution to transform the culture of the school by improve students’ focus, readiness to learn and compassion for themselves and others.
Just check out the success of our program at Ashland High School.
Inspired to Get Involved? Here's how:
1. Watch the videos with your students, co-workers and friends and use tools from our Resourse Portal.
2. Share the videos on social media.
3. Bring JusTme to your school for a live performance or a virtual "Classroom Kick it".
4. Contact Libby about an Optimize YoMIND workshop or demo class for your students/staff.
5. If you are a teacher, play the videos in your classroom and add "Minutes for YoMIND" to class periods to allow students time to reset their minds by providing quiet for students, by using the videos and audios in our resource portal or asking a student to lead some mindful movement or breathing practice.
6. Make a tax deductible donation through the Ashland Schools Foundation to help us to create more resources! Be sure to write "YoMIND Video Production" in the comments.
6. Email Us about more ways to collaborate!
7. Most importantly, remember kindness is a superpower, choose love always, and take care of yo'mind!