What we teach to others, we strengthen in ourselves.
Our YoMIND Ambassador program embodies our commitment to experiential learning and developing self-empowered community members.
Following the “see one, do one, teach one” model, we encourage our students to truly embody their education, to engage with it, and to act on it so that the ripples of awareness may spread outward.
As these ripples spread, we can move from communities characterized by competition to ones grounded in collaboration and mutual support.
Anyone can become a YoMIND Ambassador. All that we expect is a commitment to one’s own practice and to promote the ideals of mindfulness and thoughtful response in the community at large. We suggest that all YoMIND students share what they learned with at least one other person. We encourage students to share what they learn with someone younger than themselves to develop compassion and to share it with someone older to develop courage. Students can develop their own service projects to bring yoga and mindfulness practices to their sports teams, local elementary schools, or any unique population that they are inspired to connect with. Taking up an active role in community building not only deepens student’s own personal practice, but empowers them with the realization of what a tremendous impact they can have on the world around them.
Southern Oregon University YoMIND Ambassadors
Several Southern Oregon University Athletic teams have been practicing yoga and mindfulness with Libby and serving as YoMIND ambassadors. SOU student athletes have assisted in teaching both high school and elementary students. Check out the gallery below for pics

Ashland High School YoMIND Ambassadors
In December 2014 and 2015, YoMIND Ambassadors raised money for victims of the sex trafficking industry through the Shine a Light event. Natasha Pinney, a 2015 AHS graduate served as the student representative for the event and in 2015, YoMIND Ambassadors, Liv Butler, Indi Renick-Hayes and Shelby Clyburn (North Medford High) volunteered. To read more about these students and their community efforts click HERE
March 8-10, 2016 AHS YoMIND Ambassadors introduced yoga and mindfulness to all the students at Belleview Elementary in what we call YoMIND "playshops". Ten students from Ashland High School taught all the PE classes at Bellview Elementary. It was very well received and students then collaborated with Libby to offer playshops to students at Walker and Helman Elementary schools in May 2016. Check out the Ashland Daily Tidings for more about the playshops.
Photos of YoMIND ambassadors during playshops. Scroll to see more photos!
September 21, 2016: YoMIND participates in International Day of Peace activities with AHS YoMIND Ambassadors leading play shops for Willow Wind students.
October 2016 YoMIND Ambassadors lead play shops for all students at The Siskyou School.
May 2017: AHS students partnered with Libby Edson, YoMIND and other community health professionals to open the AHS Wellness Center. The opening of the Wellness Center in H-39, completed the second part of a vision set in 2012, by former AHS principal, Michelle Zundel and YoMIND founder,Libby Edson, to create the AHS Yoga and Wellness Center. The Yoga Center, located in H-38, was created and designed by Libby and her son, James, in 2012 and is used daily for yoga classes for students and teachers, for working with sports teams, and for providing an alternative to after school detention program.
The newly created, student influenced, Wellness Center, in H-39, is a resource center dedicated to promoting emotional and mental well being for students and members of the AHS community. Students and community members will further collaborate this coming year on ways to use the Wellness Center to contribute to the well being of all.
Students hanging out in the Wellness Center