YoMIND helps everyone
connect with their bodies and harness their minds
so they can rise above the stress of their lives and thrive.
YoMIND emphasizes the practice of mindful movement and focused breathing practices
at short intervals throughout the day to strengthen the ability to direct focus, manage stress and regulate emotions.
YoMIND encourages everyone to embrace “kindness as a superpower”. We scientifically show how being kind
can help optimize brain function. We teach compassion for self and for others, both on and off the yoga mat.
YoMIND classes emphasize that each of us has the ability to train our own minds, consciously direct our focus, and shift our perceptions
so that we can interact with and respond to the world in a favorable way---one that is in alignment with our own personal values.
YoMIND seeks to add value to communities through teaching on site yoga, mindfulness and neuroscience classes in schools, to athletic teams and to our community's first responders. Additionally, YoMIND’s resource portal provides free, easy to use audio and video resources.
Check out YoMIND’s resource portal, scroll down to see a music video and mindfulness practice videos featuring JusTme and keep on reading to see how you can make a difference for YoMIND!
NEW!!! Intro to YoMIND class with Libby
This 60 minute introduction to YoMIND class was filmed with the Southern Oregon University Football team in June 2022. It is suitable for all levels and provides an overview of Libby’s teaching style and her ability to integrate the science into the yoga and mindfulness practice. The informal edit also provides insight to Libby’s ability to connect with her students and make the practice accessible to all. For more information about YoMIND offerings and to have Libby work with your group, contact her HERE.
Intro to YoMIND Class with Libby Edson, Founder/Director of YoMIND and her dog, Shadow.
'YoMIND is KiND agreement
The 'YoMIND is KIND' Agreement is an agreement we are asking students, parents and teachers to make. This agreement recognizes that kindness is our natural state of mind and that we can support each other and our mental health through encouraging the practice of yoga and mindfulness. Kindness to self and others is much needed in schools, homes and communities.
Ways to share the agreement:
Have yo' class, team or group make the agreement. Call and response is a fun way to do it!! Share a photo or video of your classroom taking the agreement with the hashtag #yomindiskind
Download a printable copy of this agreement HERE
Download a social media copy of this message HERE
This agreement is also a tribute to the WE CHOOSE LOVE movement in honor of Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche, one of the heroes of slain in Portland, May 26, 2017. Find out more about WE CHOOSE LOVE movement HERE
'YoMIND is KIND' Playshops!
'YoMIND is KIND' Playshops! In these workshops, geared for grades K-5, students are introduced to yoga, mindfulness and neuroscience in a playful and engaging way by YoMIND Instructors and high school and college students and will resume in fall of 2021. The take away from the experience is that each of our minds is kind and that "KINDNESS IS A SUPERPOWER". Doing YOGA and practicing mindfulness is a way to access that superpower! For more information about the 'YoMIND is KIND' Playshops and our Community Development model, contact us HERE

Playshops at Bellview Elementary in Ashland, Oregon with Southern Oregon University Athletes.
"YoMIND is KIND" playshops at Roger Bryan Elementary in Las Vegas, Nevada!
Contact us HERE to have Libby visit your school.
Testimonials and more photos of 'YoMIND is KIND' Playshops coming soon!
Contribute to YoMIND!
YoMIND is dedicated to bringing high quality audio and video resources to communities. The Ashland Schools Foundation acts as our fiscal sponsor for these efforts. To make a tax deductible contribution, go to Ashland Schools Foundation website and be sure to write in the comments that you would like your contribution to go towards "YoMIND Video Production". Thank you in advance for your support and for checking out our website.
JUstme Videos!
We are happy to share our video collaboration with JusTme, hip hop artist & mindfulness/yoga instructor.
Last summer the YoMIND team headed to the Las Vegas desert to film a music video for JusTme's new single, "I'm Inspired".
We also filmed a series of 7 short mindfulness exercises for all ages that can be used in the classroom or at home.
And the best news is...these videos are FREE for everyone! We encourage you to share the videos on social media and use them whenever you need a moment to relax yo'mind. If you are a teacher or school administrator, please consider using them in the classroom to give you and your students a short 'brain break' during the day (research here on why this works!).
Watch More Videos | Learn More About the Project | See Behind-the-Scenes Photos
Music Video for "I'm Inspired", the new single from JusTme -- hip hop artist & mindfulness/yoga instructor.
The first in a series of 7 short mindfulness exercises led by JusTme, with K-6 students in mind.
Behind the Scenes with JusTme and YoMIND when they visited Roger Bryan Elementary in Las Vegas, Nevada and filmed JusTme's music video, "I'm Inspired".
Watch More Videos | Learn More About the Project | See Behind-the-Scenes Photos
Yoga Videos
Check out the "Movement Sequences" section of our resource portal to access new yoga videos with YoMIND Instructors Libby Edson.
Check out more yoga videos HERE!
Inspired to Get Involved? Here's how:
1. Watch the videos with your students, co-workers and friends.
2. Share the videos on social media.
3. Contact Libby about an Optimize YoMIND workshop for your staff, a YoMIND Athlete workshop for yo' team, or demo class for your students/staff. These can be offered virtually.
4. Follow YoMIND: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
5. If you are a teacher, play the videos in your classroom.
6. Make a tax deductible donation through the Ashland Schools Foundation to help us to create more resources! Be sure to write "YoMIND Video Production" in the comments.
7. Email Us about more ways to collaborate!
8. Most importantly, remember kindness is a superpower, choose love always, and take care of yo'mind!
YoMIND Workshops
Optimize YoMIND and YoMIND Athlete Workshops with Libby Edson
Description: Optimize YoMIND and YoMIND Athlete workshops are experiential and informative weekend workshops focusing on "embodied cognition", where participants learn by doing. Workshops include yoga, mindfulness, neuroscience education and mindful communication techniques in a fun and empowering weekend. The workshops can be scaled and adjusted for any age group, all levels of practitioners and to fit the needs of the participants. These workshops are ideal for athletic teams, educators, businesses, first responders or any other group wanting to optimize the wellness for their members. For more information contact Libby HERE