YoMIND is grateful to our generous sponsors:


Alex Newport-Berra FUNdation

"May each pilot their own ship, and may your life's passion be a wind to fill others' sails." -Alex Newport-Berra

The Alex Newport-Berra FUNdation has given generously to YoMIND, allowing us to purchase new yoga equipment to serve a larger number of students. The FUNdation was set up in honor of Alex Newport-Berra- our friend, inspirational teacher, poet, and fellow yogi. Alex died on July 20th, 2014, in the midst of the beauty and majesty of the Rocky Mountains outside of Silverton, Colorado. He lived every day, every hour, indeed, every minute, to its fullest...taking in the joy, the beauty, the wonder, and the magic of everyone and everything around him. He was the master of living a "mindful life." Alex is deeply missed in teh Ashland community and beyond, but he continues to inspire and motivate us to carry on his legacy of teaching and loving kids.

For more information about Alex, his life, and his writings, please visit: www.alexnewportberra.com