YoMIND helps students to connect with their bodies and harness their minds so they can rise above the stress of their lives and thrive.

Try out some of our audio-visual tools to expand your yoga and mindfulness practices

Check out this short video of our pilot program at Ashland High School

Explore our YoMIND kids portal!

Join YoMIND!

Academic, social, and familial demands have put the physical and mental health of today's teens at risk. Through in-class programming and online education, we offer students tools to rise above these pressures and form a more hopeful vision of themselves and their life. Along the way they will learn to live with intention, act with compassion, and transform their communities.

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Our Approach

Our simple sequence teaches students to change their perceptions. Seeing their experiences with clarity and stability, they can choose to act with greater flexibility and intention.

BREATHE with awareness
PERCEIVE with kindness
RESPOND with compassion

  • Learn more about our learning sequence HERE

Our Tools

YoMIND dynamically fuses yoga postures, mindfulness practices, and neuroscience education to provide students with a holistic vision of themselves. Through understanding their body, their mind, and their connection, YoMIND students are better equipped to manage the health and happiness of themselves and their communities.

  • Try out our tools HERE

Our Programs

Our innovative programming encompasses education, athletics, and youth development. Whether you're hoping to fully integrate our tools into your curriculum, adopt our Mindful Minutes, or just try out our accessible instructional videos of yoga sequences and breathing techniques, YoMIND has something to offer you and your community.

  • See our full program offerings HERE

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